Cycle Around Japan NHK TV Show | Where to Watch

Cycle Around Japan NHK TV Show | Where to Watch

Cycle Around Japan is an English TV series on NHK where cyclist Michael Rice & Zac Reynolds travels around to different regions of Japan by bicycle.

Each episode is released in Japan both on television and on the NHK website. Viewers from abroad can watch via the links below!

Series Link

Cycle Around Japan NHK Official Site

Cycle Around Japan Full Episodes

1 – Tanegashima and Yakushima – Inspired by Nature

2 – Memories from the Road – Life on the Islands

3 – Memories from the Road – Spirit of the North

4 – Kagawa – The Pursuit of Excellence

5 – Oita – Land of Plenty

6 – Niigata the Deep Green of Summer

7 – The Road Goes On

8 – Overcoming Adversity

9 – Nara Discovering Ancient Ways

10 – A Deeper Side to Tokyo

11 – Cycle Bingo Tokyo

12 – Kagoshima – Legacy of Destination

13 – Fuji and the Highlands – A Winter Ride

14 – Nagano – A Life in the Mountains

15 – Hiroshima – Going it Alone

16 – Yamagata Call of the Wind

Cycle Around Japan on Youtube

Besides featuring in Cycling Around Japan, Michael Rice and his wife run a cyclist cafe called Cycling Gypsy Cafe サイクリングジプシーカフェ in Odawara, a town 40min by Shinkansen south of Tokyo along the sea.

The Four Seasons of Cycling in Japan

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